WEEK OF Oct. 17, 2022 **Subject to change due to class progress
PLEASE NOTE: Monday is a student holiday and teacher workday
Period 1: English 9/10
TUES: GROUP graded vocabulary: tranquil, placid, translucent, punctually, luxuriate, fetch, tragic, parcel, precinct, muttering, blunt (adjective), spanner (noun), trifle (adjective), sledgehammer, hospitality.
WED-FRI: Discuss justice and irony in literature. Irony handout. Read “Lamb to the Slaughter” (Dahl) aloud, recognizing literary elements of IRONY and JUSTICE. Comprehension assessment. If completed, read “Alpine Divorce.”
Period 2: ELA 6
TUES: GROUP Graded Vocabulary – words that are both nouns and verbs: park (noun), park (verb), tear (noun), tear (verb), cell (noun), sell (verb), wound (noun), wound (verb), hand (noun), hand (verb), stable (noun), stable (adjective). Define, part of speech and use in a sentence.
WED: Begin discussion of arguments and argument essay writing txt. p. 59. Argument handout. Individual vocabulary of upcoming reading: saturated, indulgent, narcissist, intimacy, eternity.
THURS – FRI and beyond: Continue argument. Persuasive techniques: Parallelism, hyperbole, repetition. Purpose (the why): point of view, perspective. Argument handout resource. Read argument and counter arguments txt. pp. 61-72. Assessments, p. 67 and p. 73 and p. 76.
Period 3: Literacy
TUES – FRI: Holes read aloud in class Chapters 4 – 6 and reading comprehension work. If completed prior to Friday, next chapters vocabulary will be done.
Period 4: English 11/12
All week: Continue ethnography work with focus on secondary sources.
Period 5: ELA 7
TUES: Continue Unit 2, “Take Control.” How do actions define us? “I decided,” “my options are,” and “my choice is. . .” “AHA Moments” = what shifts a character’s actions/views.” Continue reading story p. 103, individual assessment, p. 107, group assessment p. 108.
WED: Assessment txt. p. 110, Greek prefixes, adjective and relative clauses, practice txt. p. 111.
THURS-FRI: Begin discussion of genre of “myths.” Discuss universal themes (p. 113). Group Vocabulary: moderate, prowess, frantic, anxiety. “The Flight of Icarus” txt. p. 115, individual assessment p. 119, group assessment p. 120.
Period 6: Law (no class Wednesdays)
TUES - FRI: Continue Unit 3 on morals, ethics, and laws. Review handouts, class discussions (graded) and assessment TBD.