WEEK OF Nov. 7, 2022 **Subject to change due to class progress
NOTE: Thurs., Nov. 10, and Fri., Nov. 11, are school holidays – we are closed!
Period 1: English 9/10
MON: safe (n & adj), quarter (n and v), sweet (n and adj), clothes (n and v), shop (n and v), bank (n and v), work (n and v), open (v and adj), shut (v and adj), stay (n and v).
TUES – WED and beyond: short story, “The Reformation” (O. Henry). Comprehension activities for the story and writing a poem about it.
Period 2: ELA 6
MON: Argument Essay/Outline Form due at beginning of class (except for the sources). Lesson: Search engine researching for relevant sources.
TUES - WED. Continue argument Essay outline, particulars, and essay work, “People should really care about _____.”
Period 3: Literacy
MON: Continue reading Chapters 14 and 15, Holes. Begin comprehension and evidence exercises.
TUES – WED: Continue comprehension and evidence exercises on Chapters 10-15. If completed, we will do vocabulary for next chapters.
Period 4: English 11/12
MON: Comprehension assessment for dystopian short story, “We Ate the Children Last” (Martel).
TUES – WED: Research the “cure” that didn’t work for society assigned by the teacher. Present to the class.
Period 5: ELA 7
MON: Prepare timed document-based essay.
TUES: Vocabulary: swell (adj. and noun), deck (verb and noun), navigation, navigate, porthole, pothole, hatch (noun and verb), dove (noun and verb).
WED: Read non-fiction article about rogue waves.
Period 6: Law (no class Wednesdays)
MON: Type of business entity assignment due.
TUES-WED: Governmental regulations – discussions and resources.