Please check daily for changes.
use your micanopy website email
M: Ch 8 jeopardy exam review
Chapter 8 full textbook pages to use to fill out HW due tuesday
T: HW packets due // Ch 8 Exam
W: Begin Ch 9 Energy in a Cell
Ch 9 textbook pages
Th: continue ch 9 ppt // Amoeba sisters packet due // ATP mini quiz
How to write a reference list:
F: continue ch 9 // APA quick guide and science fair announcements
APA format video
Algebra 9A: EXAM 9/30
8th graders in 2nd period DO NOT attempt HW#9 as we have not yet covered it!
M: Finish 2-1
2-1 PDF in class notes
// Begin 2-2 examples 1-4 // HW youtube video Q and summary (due Tuesday) and HW #8 due Wednesday pg 85-87 #1-25
2-2 PDF in class notes
Lesson 2-3
Lesson 2-4
Prealgebra notes
HW #8 pages
1)Watch this video and write a SUMMARY of the difference between continuous and discrete and explain why using an example with numbers in a table
2) Watch this video and write a summary of how to identify if a table of values is linear vs non linear AND write the example problem with the steps to solving it
T: Youtube video HW due // Finish lesson 2-2 examples 5-6 // begin lesson 2-3 if possible
W: HW #8 due // Lesson 2-3 examples 1-4 // HW #9 pg 97-99 #1-21 (do not attempt if you are in 2nd period)
HW #9 pages
Th: Finish 2-3 examples 5-8
F: Begin 2-4 examples 1-4 // HW #9 due
Algebra 9B: EXAM 9/30
1)Watch this video and write a SUMMARY of the difference between continuous and discrete and explain why using an example with numbers in a table
2) Watch this video and write a summary of how to identify if a table of values is linear vs non linear AND write the example problem with the steps to solving it
T: Youtube video HW due // lesson 2-3 examples 2-5
Th: Finish 2-4 examples 4-7
F: Begin 2-5 // HW #9 due
M: continue ppt // log roll lab
T: finish ppt // practical skills lab practice
W: practical skills lab practice
Th: vocab quiz
F: Ch 3 exam
Forensic Science:
M: Forensic Files video/ work on escape room
T: Escape room
W: No class
Th: Escape room // Exam review // vocab quiz
F: Ch 3 exam // escape room due end of class section 3