Please check daily as I make frequent changes. NO SCHOOL MONDAY
T: Begin ch 10 // assign HW packet due next week
W: Intro to monohybrid cross
Th: Intro to dihybrid cross
F: Begin meiosis
Algebra 9A:
T: Finish lesson 3-1// lesson 3-2 // HW #12 due Thursday
W: Begin lesson 3-3
Th: HW#12 due // Finish lesson 3-3 // HW #13 due Monday
F: Begin lesson 3-4
HW#12: pg 151-153 #1-19, 38-41, 46, 47
HW#13 pg 161-164 #1-42 ODDS ONLY (altered in next weeks agenda post,please check there)
HW#14 pg 173 #1-32 (altered in next weeks agenda post, please check there)
Lesson 3-1 in last weeks post
Lesson 3-2:
Lesson 3-3
Algebra 9B:
Follow 9A schedule
T: First 15 min SAMPLE and OPQRST practice // Begin ch 5 // vocab sheets
W: First 10 min vitals practice // continue ch 5 ppt
Th: Continue ch 5 ppt // vitals practice
F: Vitals quiz
T: Finish section 4 escape room, due at end of class // permission slips and $ due // Field Trip on Friday Oct 28th
W: No class
Th: Begin ch 5 Forensic Botany // vocab sheets
F: Catching killers plant evidence