6th grade:
Monday: Introduction of new vocabulary words, parts of speech.
Tuesday: Vocabulary Quiz
Wednesday: Chapter 3, Explaining How. Reading a "How to" Article. Making Predictions, pages 86-88. Begin reading "Making a Flying Fish." pages 89-90. Answer the questions from the story.
Thursday: Discuss the reading and the answers.
Begin Writing a "How to" paper. pages 94-98
Friday: Review and Practice, Chapter 3
7th grade:
Monday: Chapter 3, Looking at both sides. Read page 83, "For Girls Only?" Discussion.
Tuesday: Vocabulary Quiz, Discussion: Reading an Advantages/Disadvantages Article. Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions, Denotation and Connotation. p. 86-90
Wednesday: Writing an Advantage/Disadvantages Essay, p.98
Thursday: Revising and Publishing, pages 102-107.
Friday: Review and Practice - Chapter 3.
8th grade:
Monday: Continue working on your Google Slide Presentation and work on next week's Vocabulary words.
Tuesday: Quiz, Vocabulary and Spelling. Continue reading and discussing "Egyptian Mummies." pages 51-53.
Wednesday: Greek and Latin words page 56
Thursday: Writing about a Complex Process p.58-64
Friday: Review and Practice
9th/10th grades:
Monday: Page 82: Use Gestures to Tell Your Story/ Symbols
Tuesday: Chapter 3: Exploring Similarities and Differences
Wednesday: Time Out, IS Baseball Finnished? page 89-90
Thursday: Writing a Comparison Contrast Essay page 98-106
Friday: Review and Practice
11th/12th grades:
Monday: Google Presentations: Greek Gods
Tuesday: The Iliad, Discussion
Wednesday: Using Words Origins
Thursday: Beginning of English Renaissance
Friday: A Passion of Love: Writing Workshop: Research Report