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February 1 - February 5


Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.

World History Middle School

Monday – Decline of the Roman Empire (textbook pages 360 to 365); (Students will read, define all terms, answer reading check questions, answer map skills questions on page 364, and complete section 5 assessment questions on page 365)

Tuesday – Roman Empire Test (Based on textbook pages 336 to 365)

Wednesday – The Maya (textbook pages 200 to 207); (Students will read, define all terms, answer reading check questions, answer map skills questions on page 202, answer think critically question on page 206, and answer section 1 assessment questions on page 206)

Thursday – The Aztecs (textbook pages 208 to 213); (Students will read, define all terms, answer reading check questions, answer chart skills questions on page 210, and answer section 2 assessment questions on page 213)

Friday – Aztec & Maya Review Activity

American History Middle School

Monday – Troubles at Home and Abroad (textbook pages 294 to 297) (Students will define all terms, complete all reading checkpoint questions, complete the primary sources skills activity questions on page 296, and complete section 3 check your progress questions 1 & 2 on page 297)

Tuesday – The Presidency of John Adams (textbook pages 298 to 301) (Students will define all terms, complete all reading checkpoint questions, complete the reading political cartoons skills activity on page 299, complete the critical thinking question on page 300, and complete section 4 check your progress questions 1 through 7 on page 301)

Wednesday – Class will review Historian’s Apprentice: Distinguish Facts From Opinions on page 302. Students will begin working on the Chapter 8 Assessment on pages 304 and 305.

Thursday – Students will continue working on the Chapter 8 Assessment on page 304 and 305.

HW: Finish Chapter 8 Assessment on page 304 and 305.

Friday – Chapter 8 Test

World History High School

Monday – Where did Russia Come From (Students will watch video and class will discuss); The Rise of Russia (textbook pages 229 to 232) (Students will define all terms, complete all reading check questions, map questions on page 230, history maker question on page 231, and section 2 review questions 3 & 4)

Tuesday – Quiz (Byzantine Empire); Russia & the Mongols (textbook pages 233 to 235) (Students will define all terms, complete all reading check questions, history maker question on page 234, and section 3 review questions 3 & 4)

Wednesday – The Rise and Fall of the Mongol Empire (Students will watch video and class will discuss); The Mongol Empire (textbook pages 272 to 275) (Students will define all terms, complete all reading check questions, complete interpreting visual record question on page 272, complete map skills questions on pages 273, complete history maker question on page 274, complete analyzing primary sources question on page 275, and complete section 2 review question 3 on page 275)

Thursday – Russia & The Mongols Quiz (based on textbook pages 229 to 235, and 272 to 275)

Friday – Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia (textbook pages 276 to 283) (Students will define all terms, complete all reading check questions, complete skills assessment questions on page 277, complete young people in history question on page 278, complete analyzing primary sources question on page 278, complete skills practice questions on page 279, complete interpreting the visual record question on page 280, 281, and complete section 3 review on page 283)

American History High School

Monday – Dictators and War (textbook pages 516 to 522) (Students will define all terms, answer all reading checkpoint questions, answer Thinking Critically questions on page 519, and complete section 1 assessment question 4 through 6)

Tuesday – Chapter 15 Test (Cumulative Test)

Wednesday – How Did Hitler Rise to Power? (Students will watch video and class will discuss); From Isolation to Involvement (textbook pages 523 to 530) (Students will define all terms, answer all reading checkpoint questions, answer inset question on page 527, answer analyzing political cartoons question on page 528, and compete section 2 assessment questions 4 through 6)

Thursday – America Enters the War (textbook pages 532 to 539) (Students will define all terms, answer all reading checkpoint questions, answer thinking critically question on page 535, answer inset question on page 536, answer map skills question on page 538, and compete section 3 assessment questions 4 through 6)

Friday – Chapter 16 Class Review

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