Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
Monday - PowerPoint: Fundamentals of Economics (Teacher will lecture and discuss. Students will verbally answer teacher-directed questions, write answers to questions written on slides, and watch and discuss videos.) (Continued)
Homework: Students who did not complete the questions to the Fundamentals of Economics PowerPoint in class will use the packet and complete them for homework (Due Tuesday)
Tuesday – Brain Bowl #1: Fundamentals of Economics (Students will pay attention, participate, and answer questions when called-upon.)
Wednesday – Fundamentals of Economics Quiz. (Students who finish early should read a book or work on something for another class.)
Thursday – PowerPoint: 3 Basic Economic Questions (Teacher will lecture and discuss. Students will verbally answer teacher-directed questions, write answers to questions written on slides, and watch and discuss videos.)
Friday – PowerPoint: 3 Basic Economic Questions (Teacher will lecture and discuss. Students will verbally answer teacher-directed questions, write answers to questions written on slides, and watch and discuss videos.) (Continued)
English Honors
Monday – Using ELA format, write a creative essay answering the following question. “If you could take a one week vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do?”
Tuesday – Using ELA format, write a creative essay answering the following question. “If you could take a one week vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do?” (Continued)
Homework: Students will finish writing creative essay if they did not do so in class (Due Wednesday)
Wednesday – Lord of the Flies Introduction
Thursday – Students will read Chapter 1 in Lord of the Flies and answer the guided reading questions.
Friday – Students will read Chapter 1 in Lord of the Flies and answer guided reading questions. (Continued)
Homework: Students will finish reading Chapter 1 in Lord of the Flies and answer guided reading questions if they did not complete in class. (Due Monday)
8th Grade American History
Monday - PowerPoint: Pre-Colombian America (Teacher will lecture and discuss. Students will verbally answer teacher-directed questions, write answers to questions written on slides, and watch and discuss videos.) (Continued)
Homework: Students who did not complete the questions to the Pre-Colombian America PowerPoint in class will use the packet and complete them for homework (Due Tuesday)
Tuesday – BrainBowl #1: Pre-Colombian America (Students will pay attention, participate, and answer questions when called-upon.)
Wednesday – Pre-Colombian America Quiz (Students who finish early should read a book or work on something for another class.)
Thursday – PowerPoint: Age of Exploration (Teacher will lecture and discuss. Students will verbally answer teacher-directed questions, write answers to questions written on slides, and watch and discuss videos.)
Friday – PowerPoint: Age of Exploration (Teacher will lecture and discuss. Students will verbally answer teacher-directed questions, write answers to questions written on slides, and watch and discuss videos.) (Continued)
Monday – Show “The British Are Coming.” Pass out and explain “Video Permission Slip.”
Tuesday – Class will be divided into four groups to plan out six minute skits, which they will act out in front of the class.
Wednesday – NO CLASS.
Thursday – Students will continue planning out their six-minute skits.
Friday – Class will act out their six-minute skits.