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6th Grade Mathematics Assignments

Updated: Mar 12, 2020

For the Week of March 9-13

Monday- (During Class) Finish up with Mean

(Prep Work) Worksheet on Mean

Tuesday- (During Class) Review over Mean

(Prep Work) Study

Wednesday- (During Class) Quiz on Mean

(Prep Work) None

Thursday- (During Class) Start on Mode, Range and Median

(Prep Work) Pg 154, 1,2,5-8

Friday- (During Class) Continue with Mode, Range, and Median

(Prep Work) Worksheet on Range and MEdian


Monday- (During Class) Review over Algebraic Expressions

(Prep Work) Study

Tuesday- (During Class) Test on Algebraic Expressions

(Prep Work) None

Wednesday- (During Class) Review over Test

(Prep Work) None

Thursday- (During Class) Start on Mean

(Prep Work) Worksheet on Mean

Friday- (During Class) Continue with Mean

(Prep Work) Pg 148, 1,2,4-7


For the week of Feb 24-28

Monday- (During Class) Start on Algebraic Properties

(Prep Work) Pg 342, 9-18

Tuesday- (During Class) Continue with Algebraic Properties

(Prep Work) Worksheet on A.P

Wednesday- (During Class) More advanced work with algebraic properties

(Prep Work) Pg 342, 20-30

Thursday- (During Class) Finish up with Algebraic properties and start with distributive property

(Prep Work) Pg 348, 8-11, 14-17

Friday- (During Class) Continue with distributive property

(Prep Work) None


For the week of Feb 17-Feb 21

Monday- None

Tuesday- (During Class) Start with Algebraic Expressions

(Prep Work) Pg 326, 1-4, 8-19

Wednesday- (During Class) Continue with Algebraic expressions

(Prep Work) Pg 326, 20-25

Thursday- (During Class) Finish up with Algebraic Expressions

(Prep Work) Study

Friday- (During Class) Quiz on Algebraic expressions

(Prep Work) None


For the Week of Feb 10-14

Monday- (During Class) Review over percents of a number

(Prep Work) Study

Tuesday- (During Class) Quiz over percents of a number

(Prep Work) None

Wednesday- (During Class) Special effects on Pg 305

(Prep Work) Finish the assignment on pg 305

Thursday- (During Class) Start with order of operations

(Prep Work) Worksheet on Order of Operations

Friday- (During Class) Continue with Order of Operations

(Prep Work) Pg 322, 8-23


For the Week of Feb 3-7

Monday- (During Class) Finish up on comparing decimals and percents

(Prep Work) None

Tuesday- (During Class) Start with Percent of a Number

(Prep Work) Worksheet on Percent of a number

Wednesday- (During Class) Continue with Percent of a number

(Prep Work) Pg 300, 10-21

Thursday- (During Class) Finish up with percent of a number

(Prep Work) Pg 300, 22-29

Friday- (During Class) Apply Percents CLass work

(Prep Work) Finish classwork if not finished


For the Week of Jan 27-31

Monday- (During Class) Start on Comparing and ordering fractions

(Prep Work) Worksheet on comparing and ordering

Tuesday- (During Class) Continue with comparing and ordering

(Prep Work) Pg 282, 10-23

Wednesday- (During Class) Finish up with comparing and ordering fractions

(Prep Work) None

Thursday- (During Class) Start with comparing and ordering fractions w/ %'s and decimals

(Prep Work) Pg 289, 12-23

Friday- (During Class) Continue with comparing and ordering fractions w/ %'s and decimals

(Prep Work) Pg 289-290, 24-34


For the Week of Jan 20-24:

Monday- MLK Day

Tuesday- (During Class) Activity on percents more than 100 and less than 1

(Prep Work) None

Wednesday- (During Class) Finish the activity

(Prep Work) Worksheet on Percents 100+ and 1>

Thursday- (During Class) Review over 100+ and 1>

(Prep Work) Study

Friday- (During Class) Quiz on 100+ and 1>

(Prep Work) Find some examples of real percents in every day life


Week 19:

Monday- (During Class) Review over percents and fractions

(Prep Work) Study

Tuesday- (During class) Quiz on Percents and Fractions

(Prep Work) Look at percents and decimals

Wednesday- (During class) Start on Percents and Decimals

(Prep Work) Pg 270, 14-21, 24-31

Thursday- (During class) Continue with Percents and Decimals and start on percents more than 100 and less than 1

(Prep Work) Pg 270,271 22,23, 32-34, 38-40

Friday- (During class) Continue with Percents More Than 100 and less than 1

(Prep Work) Worksheet


Week 18:

Monday- No school

Tuesday- (During class) Start on converting percents to fractions

(Prep Work) Finish classwork & Pg 262, 9-20

Wednesday- (During class) Finish up on converting percents to fractions

(Prep Work) None

Thursday- (During class) Start on writing fractions as percents

(Prep Work) Pg 262, 21-26b

Friday- (During class) Continue with writing fractions as percents

(Prep Work) Worksheet on fractions to percents


Week 17:

Monday- (During Class) Start on Decimals to Fractions

(Prep work) Pg 256, 1-6, 11-18

Tuesday- (During Class) Continue with decimals to fractions

(Prep Work) WOrksheet on D to F

Wednesday- (During Class) Finish up with decimals to fractions

(Prep Work) Pg 256, 7-9, 19-24

Thursday- (During Class) Review over decimals to fractions

(Prep Work) Study

Friday- (During Class) Quiz on decimals to fractions

(Prep Work) Enjoy your weekend


Week 16:

Monday- (During Class) Review over ratios and rates and start with decimals to fractions

(Prep Work) Worksheet on dec to fractions

Tuesday- (During Class) Continue with decimals to fractions

(Prep Work) Pg 252, 10-21, 24-31

Wednesday- (During Class) Review over decimals to fractions

(Prep Work) Pg 252, 9,22,23,32-35

Thursday- (During Class) Study over decimals to fractions

(Prep Work) Study for quiz

Friday- (During Class) Quiz on decimals to fractions

(Prep Work) None


Week 15:

Monday- (During Class) Continue to work with Ratios and Rates

(Prep Work) Pg 233, 1-13

Tuesday- (During Class) Classwork packet on ratios and rates

(Prep Work) Finish ratio and rates packet

Wednesday- (During Class) Field Trip

(Prep Work) Prep Work from Tuesday

Thursday- (During Class) Thanksgiving Feast

(Prep Work) None

Friday- (During Class) Thanksgiving math

(Prep Work) Enjoy the break


Week 14:

Monday- NO School

Tuesday- (During class) Continue with Equivalent Ratios

(Prep Work) Pg 225,226 CYP, c,d, 14-17

Wednesday- (During class) Review over Equivalent Ratios

(Prep Work) Study

Thursday-(During Class) Quiz on equivalent ratios

(Prep Work) None

Friday-(During class) Start with Ratio and Rate problems

(Prep Work) Pg 233, 4-13


Week 13:

Monday- (During Class) Quiz on Unit Rate was returned; Started on Ratio Tables

(Homework) Worksheet on Ratio Tables

Tuesday- (During class) Continue with Ratio Tables

(Homework) Pg 216, 1-10

Wednesday- (During class) Review over Ratio Tables

(Homework) Study (Quiz Corrections Due on Thursday)

Thursday- (During class) Quiz on Ratio Tables

(Homework) None

Friday- (During class) Start on Equivalent Ratios

(Homework) Pg 226, 1,2,6-13


Week 12:

Monday- (During Class) Start with unit rates

(Homework) Worksheet on unit rates

Tuesday- (During class) Continue with unit rates

(Homework) Pg 210, 7-16

Wednesday- (During class) Review over unit rates

(Homework) Study

Thursday- (During class) Quiz on Unit Rates

(Homework) None

Friday- (During class) Start with ratio tables

(Homework) Pg 216, 1,2, 5-8


Week 11:

Monday- (During Class) Graded quizzes and start Ratios

(Homework) Pg 203, 1-3, 7-12

Tuesday- (During Class) Continue with ratios

(Homework) Pg 203, 5,6,17,18

Wednesday- (During Class) Finish with ratios

(Homework) Worksheet on ratios

Thursday- (During Class) Review ratios section

(Homework) Study

Friday- (During Class) Quiz on ratios

(Homework) None


Week 10:

Monday- (During class) Dividing fractions

(Homework) Pg 120: 1-8, 10-23

Tuesday- (During class) Continue dividing fractions

(Homework) Pg 126, 8-19 ; Pg 130, 12-17

Wednesday- (During class) Review on dividing fractions

(Homework) Study

Thursday- (During class) Quiz on dividing fractions

(Homework) None

Friday- Teacher Work Day


Week 9:

Monday- (During class) Multiplying mixed numbers by mixed numbers

(Homework) Pg 111, 112; 1-6, 8-13

Tuesday- (During class) Continue with mixed number multiplication

(Homework) Worksheet

Wednesday- (During class) Review for quiz on mixed number multiplication

(Homework) Study

Thursday- (During class) Quiz on MNM

(Homework) Project ideas

Friday- (During class) Go over project

(Homework) Start your project


Week 8:

Monday- (During Class) Started multiplying fractions by fractions

(Homework) Pg 104,105 a-f, 1-6

Tuesday- (During Class) Continue reducing fractions and real life situations

(Homework) Worksheet on multiplying fractions by fractions

Wednesday- (During Class) Review over multiplying fractions

(Homework) Study

Thursday- (During Class) Quiz on multiplying fractions

(Homework) None

Friday- (During Class) No school

(Homework) None


Week 7:

Monday- (During Class) Start with multiplying fractions by whole numbers

(Classwork) Pg 96, a,b,c

(Homework) Pg 98, 1-6

Tuesday- (During Class) Go over quiz on dividing decimals by decimals(Corrections done by Friday), Continue with multiplying fractions by whole numbers

(Homework) Pg 98, 8-23

Wednesday-(During Class) Quiz corrections

(Homework) None

Thursday-(During Class) Review over multiplying fractions by whole numbers

(Homework) Study

Friday-(During class) Quiz corrections are due and Quiz on Multiplying fractions to whole numbers

(Homework) None


Week 6:

Monday- (During class) Started new lesson on dividing decimals by decimals

(Homework) Pg 60, 1-8

Tuesday- (During class) Continue with dividing decimals by decimals

(Homework) Worksheet on Dividing Decimals

Wednesday- Classwork on Dividing Decimals

(Homework) None

Thursday- (During class) Review over dividing decimals by decimals

(Homework) Study for quiz

Friday- (During class) Quiz on Dividing decimals by decimals

(Homework) Think about project ideas


Week 5:

Monday- (During class) Review over the test on multiplying decimals to decimals

Start dividing decimals

(Homework) Worksheet on dividing decimals

Tuesday- (During class) Continue with dividing decimals

(Homework) Pg 54, 9-20

Wednesday- (During class) Start using dividing decimals in word problems

(Homework) Pg 54, 21-28

Thursday- (During class) Review over dividing decimals and word problems for the Quiz on Friday

(Homework) Study

Friday- (During class) Quiz on Dividing Decimals

(Homework) Enjoy your weekend


Week 4:

Monday- Labor Day

Tuesday- No School

Wednesday- Pg 41, 10,23,24,28

Thursday- Review

Friday- Quiz


Week 3:

Monday- Pg 36, 10-24

Tuesday- Review

Wednesday- Quiz

Thursday- Pg 42, 11-22

Friday- None


Week 2:

Monday- Pg 22, 1-6, Extra Credit 17,18

Tuesday- Pg 22, 7-16,19

Wednesday- None

Thursday- Pg 29, 1-6, 9-17

Friday- None


Week 1(8/12-8/16):

Monday: Welcome back! No HW

Tuesday: Still no HW...

Wednesday: Get your syllabus signed

Thursday: Last day for Syllabus signature!

Friday: Week of no book homework? Thank you Mr. Washington!

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