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Week of March 8 - March 12

Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.

World History Middle School

Monday - (Continued from last week) Buddhism (textbook pages 398 to 405) (Students will read, discuss, answer teacher directed questions, and answer questions written by teacher on the board)

HW: Get Index Cards (If haven't done already) (Students were told about this last week)

Tuesday - (Continued from last week) Buddhism (textbook pages 398 to 405) (Students will read, discuss, answer teacher directed questions, and answer questions written by teacher on the board)

Wednesday - Brain Bowl Review (Cumulative; focus on Hinduism & Buddhism section)

HW: Students will receive set one (terms, concepts, events, and people) flashcard sheets. Students must write these onto flashcards and bring them to class on Monday (3/15)

Thursday - Hinduism & Buddhism Quiz (Based on textbook pages 390 to 405)

Friday - The Maurya Empire (textbook pages 412 to 419) (Students will read, define all terms, answer reading check questions, answer map skills questions on page 414, answer think critically questions on page 418, and complete section 1 assessment question on page 419)

American History Middle School

Monday - Historian's Apprentice Workshop (textbook pages 372 to 375) (Class will work together to complete and answer questions. Students will finish for homework if necessary)

HW: Get Index Cards (If haven't done already) (Students will told about this last week)

Tuesday - Focus on Florida History: The Early Republic (FL History 1789 - 1825) (textbook pages FL3-2 to FL3-7) (Class will read together and discuss. Students will answer teacher directed questions. Students will complete Check Your Progress questions 1 through 8)

Wednesday - North & South Take Different Paths (Teacher will introduce unit); The Industrial Revolution (textbook pages 382 to 387) (Students will define all terms, complete all reading checkpoint questions, answer the critical thinking questions on pages 383 & 384, and complete section 1 Check Your Progress questions 1 through 4 on page 387)

Thursday - The North Transformed (textbook pages 390 to 395) (Students will define all terms, complete all reading checkpoint questions, answer the critical thinking questions on pages 391 & 394, and complete section 2 Check Your Progress questions 1 through 6 on page 395)

Friday - The Plantation South (textbook pages 396 to 400) (Students will define all terms, complete all reading checkpoint questions, and the reading charts skills activity questions on page 397, answer the critical thinking question on page 398, and complete section 3 Check Your Progress questions 1 through 6 on page 400)

World History High School

Monday - Age of Exploration PowerPoint (Students will view slides, answer questions written on slides, watch video clips, and respond to teacher directed questions)

HW: Get Index Cards (If haven't done already) (Students were told about this last week)

Tuesday - (Continued) Age of Exploration PowerPoint (Students will view slides, answer questions written on slides, watch video clips, and respond to teacher directed questions)

Wednesday - The Italian Renaissance (textbook pages 354 to 358) (Students will define all terms, complete all reading check questions, answer skills assessment questions on page 354, answer history maker question on page 355, answer interpreting the visual record question on page 356, answer skills assessment questions on page 357, and complete section 1 review (questions 3 & 4) on page 358)

Thursday - The Protestant Reformation (textbook pages 363 to 367) (Students will define all terms, complete all reading check questions, answer history maker questions on page 364, and complete section 3 review (questions 3 & 4) on page 367)

Friday - Age of Exploration, Italian Renaissance, & Protestant Reformation Test (Age of Exploration PowerPoint, textbook pages 354-358, 363-367)

American History High School

Monday - Economic Boom (textbook pages 626 to 631) (Students will define all terms, answer all reading checkpoint questions, answer the thinking critically questions on page 629, and complete the section 1 assessment questions (4 through 6) on page 631)

HW: Get Index Cards (If haven't done already) (Students were told about this last week)

Tuesday - A Society on the Move (textbook pages 632 to 639) (Students will define all terms, answer all reading checkpoint questions, answer the thinking critically questions on page 635, answer the map skills questions on page 636, and complete the section 2 assessment questions (4 through 6) on page 639)

Wednesday - Mass Culture & Family (textbook pages 640 to 646) (Students will define all terms, answer all reading checkpoint questions, answer the thinking critically questions on page 643 & 646, and complete the section 3 assessment questions (4 through 6) on page 645)

HW: Students will receive chapter five, six, and seven (terms, concepts, events, and people) flashcard sheets. Students must write these onto flashcards and bring them to class on Monday (3/15)

Thursday - Dissent & Discontent (textbook pages 647 to 651) (Students will define all terms, answer all reading checkpoint questions, answer the graph skills questions on page 650, and complete the section 4 assessment questions (4 through 6) on page 651)

Friday - Chapter 19 Test (textbook pages 626 to 651)

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