WEEK OF MARCH 6, 2023. **Subject to change
Period 1: English 9/10
MON: Discuss learning words (page 3 of packet) and read narratives in packet.
TUES-FRI: Work on personal narrative. DUE FRIDAY – BEFORE Spring Break.
Period 2: ELA 6
MON: Abel’s Island Chapters 8-10 pre-reading activity (group) – handout.
TUE: Abel’s Island Chapters 8-10 vocabulary (group) – handout.
WED: Abel’s Island Chapters 8-10 vocabulary quiz.
THURS: Abel’s Island reading chapters 8-10.
Progress to be determined based on reading pace.
Period 3: Literacy
MON-THURS: Nim’s Island movie viewing and discussion. Deserted Island group activity follows viewing (handout).
Period 4: English 11/12
MON: Fahrenheit 451 PART ONE completed packet due.
TUES – THURS: Reading a Florida House bill, discussion, practice.
Period 5: ELA 7
MON-FRI: The Giver Chapters group comprehension Qs (handout), and group assignment (handout).
Period 6: Law (no class Wednesdays)
MON: Contracts multiple choice exam.
TUES-FRI: Assign writing a contract assignment. Work on assignment. Due FRI – before Spring Break (no exceptions).