***Weekly blog is subject to changes throughout the week based on class progress***
2nd Period: Biology
Monday: Pass out Current Grades and Missing Assignments (To be signed By Parent/Guardian by 3/16)/ Study Hall
Tuesday: Complete Chapter 21.1 and 21.2 Questions(Turn in)/Review EOC terms (class)/Complete any missing work
Wednesday: EOC Quiz: Vocab Test (short) /Signed Progress Check Due***TURN IN ALL LATE WORK FOR QUARTER 3
Thursday: Night on Earth
Friday: Finish Night on Earth ****HAVE A SAFE AND WONDERFUL SPRING BREAK!*****
3rd Period: Algebra 1
Monday: Pass out Current Grades and Missing Assignments (To be signed By Parent/Guardian by 3/16)/ Study Hall/6.2 Quiz Corrections with work
Tuesday: Monomials Practice sheets
Wednesday: Monomials Test/Signed Progress Check Due/ 6.2 Quiz Corrections with work due***TURN IN ALL LATE WORK FOR QUARTER 3
Thursday: Math Puzzles and games
Friday: Arbor Day Planting ****HAVE A SAFE AND WONDERFUL SPRING BREAK!*****
4th Period: Marine Biology
Monday: Pass out Current Grades and Missing Assignments (To be signed By Parent/Guardian by 3/16)/ Study Hall/
Tuesday: Planning out Phyla Project (for after Spring Break)/Our Planet
Wednesday: Signed Progress Check Due/ Begin Discussing different sea phyla ***TURN IN ALL LATE WORK FOR QUARTER 3
Thursday: Puff: Wonders of the Reef
Friday:Arbor Day Planting/Lunch ****HAVE A SAFE AND WONDERFUL SPRING BREAK!*****