3rd Period: 8th Grade Math/Pre-Algebra
Topic for the Week: Properties of Exponents, Scientific Notation
Monday No class - Guest Speaker NA
Tuesday Zero and Negative Exponents HW Bklt, 5-2A, pg 91
Wednesday Scientific Notation HW Bklt, 5-2B, pg 93 (odd)
Thursday Test - Prop of Exponents HW Bklt, 5-1B, pg 85 (10-20)
Friday No Class - Skate Party
4th Period: 7th Grade Math
Topic for the Week: Proportional Relationships
Monday Proportions Video NA
Tuesday Solve Proportions Txtbk pg 208-9, 1-19(odd) Wednesday Scale Drawings and Models Txtbk pg 217-18, 1-17(odd)
Thursday Test: Ratios, Rates, Proportions Prob Solving Pg 213 (pick 4)
Friday No Class - Skate Party NA
5th Period: 6th Grade Math
Topic for the Week: Converting units of Measure
Monday Introduction to Conversions NA
Tuesday Converting Customary Units of Measure Wrksht 5-8, pg 75, 1-17(odd)
Wednesday Converting Metric Units of Measure Wrksht 5-9, pg 77, 1-17 (odd)
Thursday Bringing it all together (ratios, rates, units) Complete unfinished CW
Friday No class - Skate Party
6th Period: Geometry
Topic for the Week: Reasoning, Proofs
Monday Aleks - Work on your program, topics vary
Tuesday In class - Algebraic Proofs (packet page 34-36 Alg proofs, HW 7, pg 37-38
Wed Aleks - Work on your program, topics vary
Thur In class - Segment proofs (packet 39-43) Complete unfinished CW
Friday Skate Party