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Feb 22-26

This is subject to change if I feel as though the students are proficient or not at these topics

Algebra 1:

Monday- Review for the quiz on piecewise functions from Pg 192-194. Tomorrow is the quiz

Tuesday- Quiz on Piecewise Functions. We will go over exponentials for the new chapter on exponential functions

Wednesday- We will start on exponential equations. The homework will be a worksheet on multiplying and dividing exponents.

Thursday- We will continue with exponential equations and start also on exponential functions. The homework will be another worksheet on exponents with graphing it.

Friday- Free Math Friday. I will instruct the students to take their books home to read over and take notes on exponential functions.


Monday- Start on solving equations with variables on both sides of the equal sign. The homework is 369, 1-16

Tuesday- We will finish up on solving equations on both sides of the equal sign and start on literal equations. The homework will be a worksheet on literal equations.

Wednesday- We will continue with the second part of literal equations which takes into account real life situations where we have to solve for a given variable. The homework will be Pg 390, 6-16

Thursday- We will review over both types of equations we solved this week with a Jeopardy type game.

Friday- Quiz on solving equations with variables on both sides of the equal sign and literal equations.

7th Grade Math:

Monday- Quiz on graphing linear equations on a Cartesian plane.

Tuesday- We will start the next section which will be on constant rate of change. The homework will be a worksheet about constant rate of change.

Wednesday- We will continue with constant rate of change and how it can be used in real life situations. The homework will be another worksheet that will put the students in a real life situation where they need to graph and state the constant rate of change.

Thursday- We will finish up on constant rate of change and start with calculating slope. The homework will be Pg 275, 3-11

Friday- We will start an activity using slope that if the students don't finish during class, it will turn into homework.

6th Grade Math:

Monday- Quiz on turning fraction to decimals. We will start turning fractions and decimals into percentage.

Tuesday- We start the new lesson on turning fractions AND decimals into percentage. The homework will be a worksheet on how to turn it into percentage.

Wednesday- We will continue with turning fractions and decimals into percentage. The homework will be Pg 265, 4-14

Thursday- We will finish up on turning fractions and decimals into percentage and review for the verbal quiz on Friday.

Friday- Quiz on percentage. We will take a look at the next section which will be on Order of Operations.


Monday- We start the review for the test on Thursday. This day we will go over isosceles triangles and their theorems.

Tuesday - We continue our review with midsegments and how to calculate them in a triangle. The students will be given a worksheet which they will use as a study guide for the test on Thursday.

Wednesday- We will finish the review with the last topic we went over, which was the angle bisector theorem. Test TOMORROW

Thursday- Test on Triangle Theorems

Friday- Free math friday. The students will start a new section on circles when we return on Monday.

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