Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
Note: I had to significantly revise the schedule this week.
Monday – Three Basic Economic Questions (Continued). PowerPoint Presentation on the three basic economic questions that all societies must answer. Students will listen, read slides, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Tuesday – NO SCHOOL
Wednesday – NO SCHOOL
Thursday – Three Basic Economic Questions (Continued). PowerPoint Presentation on the three basic economic questions that all societies must answer. Students will listen, read slides, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides. Moneywise Teen #1 (Scarcity & Alternatives). Students will watch video about a young couple who struggle to balance their budget. Students will answer guided questions provided by teacher as a reflection on the video.
Friday – Brain Bowl Review. Review game and study activity for the Three Basic Economic Questions unit. Students are expected to listen, answer questions on PowerPoint slides, and participate with their team.
High School English
Monday – Finishing the Story #1 (Carnival of Tides) (Continued). Students will be provided with a story started by their teacher. Using correct grammar and continuing in the same tense and point of view as the introduction, students will complete the story in 1000 to 3000 words.
Tuesday – NO SCHOOL
Wednesday – NO SCHOOL
Thursday – Finishing the Story #1 (Carnival of Tides) (Continued). Students will be provided with a story started by their teacher. Using correct grammar and continuing in the same tense and point of view as the introduction, students will complete the story in 1000 to 3000 words.
Homework: Complete Finishing the Story #1 (Carnival of Tides) and turn in on Friday
Friday – Five Minute Writing Prompt. What is your favorite season of the year and why? (Students will tourn in their writing journals after completing the five minute writing prompt.) Subjects & Verbs 2. Students will complete independently.
Homework: Is Survival Selfish? Pre-Reading. Students will complete all three “Engage Your Brain” activities on page 20 and define all bolded terms on page 21 and 22.
8th Grade English
Monday – Finishing the Story #1 (Three Wishes) (Continued). Students will be provided with a story started by their teacher. Using correct grammar and continuing in the same tense and point of view as the introduction, students will complete the story in 750 to 2000 words.
Homework: Complete Finishing the Story #1 (Three Wishes) and turn in on Thursday.
Tuesday – NO SCHOOL
Wednesday – NO SCHOOL
Thursday – Five Minute Writing Prompt. What is your favorite season of the year and why? Subjects & Verbs 2. Students will complete independently.
Homework: Are Bionic Superhumans on the Horizon? Pre-Reading. Students will complete the activity entitled “Superhuman” on page 16 and define all bolded terms on page 17.
Friday – Five Minute Writing Prompt. What is your favorite subject in school and why? (Students will turn in their writing journals after completing the five minute writing prompt.) Are Bionic Superhumans on The Horizon? Class will read pages 19 to 23 in the textbook. Students are expected to pay attention and participate in class discussion.
Homework: Are Bionic Superhumans on the Horizon? Post-Reading. Students will complete the Assessment Practice questions on page 23 and the Analyze the Text questions on page 24. Students must clearly label and write the questions.
8th Grade American History
Monday – Age of Exploration (Continued). PowerPoint Presentation on the Age of Exploration. Students will listen, read slides, watch video clips, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Tuesday – NO SCHOOL
Wednesday – NO SCHOOL
Thursday – Age of Exploration (Continued). PowerPoint Presentation on the Age of Exploration. Students will listen, read slides, watch video clips, answer teacher-directed questions, participate in class discussions, and answer questions on PowerPoint slides.
Friday – Brain Bowl Review. Review game and study activity for the Age of Exploration unit. Students are expected to listen, answer questions on PowerPoint slides, and participate with their team.