Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
American History High School
Monday – Chapter 16 Test. Students will receive Chapter 17 Vocabulary List and review quietly.
Homework: The Allies Turn the Tide. Students will read pages 546 to 552 in the textbook.
Tuesday – Vocabulary Review Activity. Class will review vocabulary terms from Chapter 3 to Chapter 17.
Homework: The Home Front. Students will read pages 553 to 558 in the textbook and create a 7-question multiple-choice quiz based on the section.
Wednesday – Korematsu vs. The United States. Class will read on page 559 and discuss. Victory in Europe and the Pacific. Students will read pages 562 to 571 in the textbook and complete all checkpoint questions as well as questions 4, 5, and 6 on the Section 3 Assessment. Students must write questions.
Thursday – The Holocaust. Class will read and discuss pages 572 to 577 in the textbook.
World History High School
Monday – The Italian Renaissance. Class will read and discuss pages 354 to 358 in the textbook. Students will answer questions provided by teacher.
Tuesday – The Northern Renaissance. Class will read and discuss pages 359 to 362 in the textbook. Students will answer questions provided by teacher.
Wednesday – The Protestant Reformation. Class will read and discuss pages 363 to 367 in the textbook. Students will answer questions provided by teacher.
Thursday – The Catholic Reformation. Class will read and discuss pages 368 to 372 in the textbook. Students will answer questions provided by teacher.
Homework: Study for Renaissance & Reformation Test (textbook pages 354 to 371) on Monday.
English High School
Monday – Vocabulary List #14. Students will receive Vocabulary List #14. Class will review and discuss. Students will write words in sentences with context clues demonstrating their understanding of the words.
Tuesday – Vocabulary Review Activity. Class will review vocabulary terms from first 14 lists.
Wednesday – Sustained Silent Reading. Students will quietly read their silent reading books.
Thursday – Vocabulary Quiz #14. After finishing the quiz, students will read their silent reading books.
American History Middle School
Monday – A Critical Time. Class will read and discuss pages 179 to 184 in the textbook. Students will answer questions posed by teacher.
Tuesday – The War Widens. Class will read and discuss pages 186 to 190. Students will define all terms, answer all checkpoint questions, and answer questions 1 and 2 on the Section 3 Check Your Progress. Students must write out questions.
Wednesday – Winning Independence. Class will read and discuss pages 191 to 195. Students will define all terms, answer all checkpoint questions, and answer questions 1 and 2 on the Section 4 Check Your Progress. Students must write out questions.
Thursday – American Revolutionary War Test.